Italian Cooking & Language Blog

Fare La Scarpetta means to wipe your plate clean with a piece of bread.

What else could you ask for?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Book Review: The American Way of Eating by Tracie McMillan

Clearly the title of this book, The American Way of Eating, doesn't seem like it fits with the Italian-theme here at Fare La Scarpetta. But being that we are obsessed with good eats, specifically Italian or Italian-American ones, we should also be obsessed with where our food comes from.

In this book of investigative journalism, McMillan goes undercover picking food in California's fields and then working at both Walmart and Applebee's. Through her personal story, the stories of those around her and her extensive research, she gives readers insight into the state of our food from when it is growing, processed and served, while considering the human impact on the workers (labor and health issues) every step of the way. She writes:

Wages, health care, work hours, and kitchen literacy are just as critical to changing our diets as the agriculture we practice or the places at which we shop. (...) Just as we ensure that water and electricity gets to nearly every American, it makes sense to ensure that every American access fresh and healthy food, too.

Hell, if she pissed off Rush Limbaugh, she must be onto something.

If you are interested in reading and writing, visit my writing and writing teacher's blog.

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