Italian Cooking & Language Blog

Fare La Scarpetta means to wipe your plate clean with a piece of bread.

What else could you ask for?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Cold Salad Weather

Video clip from Good Morning, Vietnam

Washington, D.C., is hot in the summer. Last week it was over 100 degrees for a few days. And of course there was that storm. It is still too hot out, especially for those still left without electricity.

If you aren’t ready for a raw food diet, I recommend preparing simple, cool salads. I’ve been making a lot of them recently. I'll start by preparing a whole grain or two (barley, quinoa, whole wheat couscous, etc.), then sautéing vegetables from our CSA and finally mixing everything together in different combinations with various dressings. My favorite dressings tend to have a combination of olive oil, lemon, salt, pepper and fresh or dried spices like garlic and chipotle chili pepper.

When I was living in Florence (which is not known for cool, fresh summers), I ate a lot of salads like these, as well as pasta, tomato, caprese and green salads.

Since this is the year of health (for food and writing), I’ve been using more whole grains than white pastas. Thanks to some amazing friends’ birthday presents, I now have a great collection of whole grain cookbooks. You can find them listed here

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