Italian Cooking & Language Blog

Fare La Scarpetta means to wipe your plate clean with a piece of bread.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

That's Amore! Saying, "I love you" in Italian

That's Amore! 
Statue in La Pietra Gardens, Florence, Italy

There are many ways to say, "I love you," in Italian (and not just on San Valentino!)

The first thing to understand is the difference between two common verbs, amare and voglere. (Amore is the noun for love.) You don't want to mix up these verbs:

"Ti amo" means "I love you" in a romantic fashion. Say this to your partner.

"Ti volgio bene" means "I love you" in a platonic, family-way. Say this to your best friend or family members.

Of course, there are even more creative ways to declare your love:

Mi hai stregato / stregata. (You have bewitched me.)

Potrei guardarti tutto il giorno. (I could watch you all day.)

Se non ci fossi dovrei inventarti. (If you weren't, I'd invent you.)

Click through for more from

To try out your own romantic phrases, try Google Translate for some extra help.

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